Top 10 Question of General Knowledge About Bangladesh
Top GK Question About Bangladesh |
1. What is the National Fruit of Bangladesh?
Answer is - D) Jackfruit
2. Before the 1950's which crops was the principle crop of Bangladesh?
Answer is - A) Jute
3. National Bird of Bangladesh?
Answer is - A) Magpie Robin
4. Which is the National Sport of Bangladesh?
Answer is - A) Kabaddi
5. What is the Area of Bangladesh?
Answer is - C) 143998
6. What is the largest city of Bangladesh?
Answer is - A) Dhaka
7. What is the National flower of Bangladesh?
Answer is - D) Aquatic Lily
8. What is the capital of Bangladesh?
Answer is - A) Dhaka
9. What is the Currency of Bangladesh?
Answer is - C) Taka
10. Which is the National Tree of Bangladesh?
Answer is - A) Mango Tree
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